Health and Safety Policy | Supply Teaching | PK Education

Health and Safety Policy

PK Education Limited (“PK” and “the company”) commits to:

Operate the company in accordance with The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all applicable regulations and to ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees, temporary workers supplied to its clients and anybody else who is or could be affected by the way the company is operated.

In particular, the company will take reasonable steps to check with its clients that any risks to the health and safety of a temporary worker supplied by the business have been identified by the client and steps have been taken by the client to minimise those risks.

Important Note: The primary responsibility for health, safety and welfare is borne by the senior management of the business. However, it is also the personal responsibility of each individual to look after their own health, safety and welfare and anybody likely to be affected by their activities.
In the case of temporary workers, their responsibilities include:

  • Familiarising themselves, following, and actively co-operating with the client’s Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessments, Fire and other Evacuation, Emergency and First Aid arrangements.
  • Complying with any induction, task training and supervision as instructed by the client.
  • Only carrying out those duties that an individual has been trained for, is competent to carry out, has been engaged to carry out and has been authorised by the client to undertake within the specified premises or area.
  • Notifying PK of any changes in the individual circumstances (in particular changes to their state of health) that affect or could affect their ability to work safely or that will or might put themselves or others at risk at the client’s specified premises or area.
  • Taking reasonable care of any property that belongs to the company or the client and refraining from horseplay or the abuse of any equipment or welfare facilities.
  • Reporting any defects in equipment to your immediate supervisor at the client’s premises and ensure that equipment is left in a safe and secure state when unattended.
  • Reporting all incidents which involve or which could involve ‘near miss’, personal injury or property damage to the client and your PK contact.
  • Reporting any personal work related injury or disease to the client and to your PK contact.
  • Set a good personal example at all times.