The PK Values Quiz | Supply Teaching | PK Education

The PK Values Quiz

The very scientific, 100% accurate guaranteed PK personality quiz (honest)

It takes a special kind of person to work at PK – and we all share the same values. But which of our values represent you best? If only there was a brilliant quiz you could do that would tell you… hang on a minute, there is!
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Which best describes you?
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You're losing at Monopoly - whose fault is it?
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You've got a really boring job to do. Do you...
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You wake up with a super power. What do you do?
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You have to rescue a penguin from the zoo. Do you...
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Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
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You mess up at work. Do you...
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A work deadline is looming. Do you...
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You're driving to an interview and an escaped rhino wrecks your car. Do you...
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You're on 'Come Dine With Me' and someone says your duck is overcooked - how do you react?
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You come home to find a zombie in your kitchen. Do you...
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Which Toy Story character are you?
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Your plane is going down but there's only one parachute - who gets it?
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How many hobbies/interests do you have outside work?
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You see an old lady carrying a piano up the stairs. Do you:
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