5 Top Tips for completing a successful Application Form | PK Education

5 Top Tips for a successful Teaching Application

teaching application tips

When applying for a teaching job the application form is the key to a good first impression with your new headteacher. As a result, the completion should not be taken lightly.

The quality of your application form is going to be the difference between getting an interview and being put to the side. So here are our top tips for completing a successful application form:

  1. Arrange to visit the school
    Visiting the school before application not only shows you are genuinely interested in the job but makes the interview process less daunting. You can also get a feel for the environment to see if the setting is right for you.
  2. Read the schools website and Ofsted report
    Refer back to what you’ve read during the application and later during the interview process, to show the school leaders that you have a vested interest in the setting. Find out what the school values are and refer to these in your application.
  3. Additional Supporting Information
    Always ensure that you tailor the personal statement to the role and school that you are applying for. Map your experience and skills directly to the job specification! If the box on the application form is too short, don’t be afraid to take 1-2 sides of A4 to explain your experiences and suitability for the role.
  4. Proof-read thoroughly
    Spelling mistakes are a big no no! Also make sure all relevant areas are filled by avoiding ‘N/A’ or worse, blank spaces! Avoid over use of “I feel”, “I believe” and/or stating the obvious. Instead use phrases like “I have” and “I will”. These are much more convincing.
  5. Read it. Know it. Be confident.
    Print a copy and read it prior to interview so you can refer to specific experiences, or features of the job description and person specification.

The process of filling in job applications can be a daunting process but be confident in your ability!

Finally, make sure the form is neat and tidy because first impressions really do count.

Best of luck!

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