Top tips for school trips | Supply Teaching | PK Education

Top tips for school trips

It’s that time of year again when trips out of the classroom seem to happen every other week.
Whether they’re day trips, residentials, or rewards for pupils that have excelled this academic year, the key to a successful school trip is all in the planning and management.

So how can you make the most of the opportunity without the stress and ensure they are a curriculum enriching experience that leaves pupils with higher levels of confidence and a desire to learn more? We put together our top tips for school trips below.

1. Educational objectives – Work out what your goals are for the pupils to walk away from this trip with. Ensure they can be met with the plan that you have and talk over them with the children before you set off on the trip. If they know what they can get out of the trip (aside from time out of class!) they may well be more engaged.

2. Plan, plan, plan – Make sure that the time you have is structured in such a way that minimises ‘free time’ where pupils are left to their own devices. Hands on activities tend to keep pupils more engaged, but also raise energy levels, so bear that in mind when structuring your day. If you have a chance to, visiting the trip site before the day itself can help you avoid any hiccups, as well as giving you the opportunity to spot any activities you could incorporate that you were previously unaware of.

3. Get chaperones on the same page
– If you have chaperones accompanying you on the trip, make sure that they are as well equipped as they can be. Share your plans, aims and objectives and ensure that they are aware of your expectations. Make sure to thank everybody willing to give up their time to help, but you must also make them aware of what you expect out of the trip for the pupils.

4. Let pupils lead – Trips, particularly residentials, can have a hugely positive effect on pupils’ confidence and can quickly bring out the leader in even the quietest of children. Follow the cues of the group and allow the pupils to take a little bit of control – especially if a usually timid pupil steps up and speaks out. If an activity isn’t working, be flexible enough to change if circumstance allows. If a group create a sub-activity that could align with your educational objectives, why not let them show the rest of the class? Empowerment is a huge benefit of school trips. It can be a case of give a little, gain a lot, but make sure to keep an eye on things and don’t let them get out of hand

5. Enjoy yourself – If pupils see you enjoying the activities, too, they’re far more likely to get into the swing of things and make the most of the trip. Remember, you can learn just as much as they can from these opportunities! Get stuck in and enjoy yourself.

And finally – in the current heatwave remember hats, sun cream and lots of water!

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