Geography Tips (Year 7 - 11) | Supply Teaching | PK Education

Geography Tips (Year 7 – 11)

PK Education. Your Destination For Inspiration.

The world we live in is changing rapidly.  By engaging young learners with geographic knowledge it enables them to think critically, solve problems and be the architects of change that our planet needs. Here are some ideas of how to get your students thinking differently about the world they live in.  

1. Virtual news board

Each week task your pupils to submit an interesting news article they have seen.   This may be an image of a local landmark, a report about the weather or updates on the global pandemic. 

You can create a virtual picture board of all the articles submitted and ask each pupil to give a short presentation of the effects of the event.

2. Spin the wheel

Why not bring some topical games to your online teaching to boost engagement. We love the flooding game.   Students virtually spin the wheel and talk about one of the flooding topics for a minute.   This is a great revision strategy to assess their knowledge of the causes, effects and responses to flooding.

We are loving the games and resources over at teach it geography

3. Podcasts

To provide further learning on topics from wildfires, weather and the high street, to plate tectonics, cities and the carbon cycle.   There are some excellent Podcasts for students to download.  This is a great way to add in a different learning technique and enables your pupils to listen to current geographical themes and keep up-to-date with their subject knowledge.

Head to the RGS to download now.
